Sunday, July 28, 2019

How to choose water filter for well water

Water is an essential component for life. However, in many places, tap water, whether from municipal supplies or a well, has odors, sediments, and bacteria. While bottled water is a safer option, it can be expensive in a large household. Other families are worried about the extra garbage they generate when they use commercial bottled products. In such circumstances, household filters provide safe, potable water without the need to purchase cases of bottles.
Household filters come in four types. They can be for the whole house, under the sink, over the counter, or attached to the faucet. The best whole house water filter will ensure that all water that is used in the house has been filtered - water in the kitchen sink, bathtub, dishwasher, and washing machine. This water filter will ensure that there is not any sediment deposit at the bottom of the toilet bowl or bathtub and that the appliances are also protected. However, the large amount of water filtered by these systems may require frequent changing of the cartridges.

Under the Sink

A more economical way of providing clean drinking water to household members is to install the Best under sink water filter. Once installed, it is out of sight but provides filtered, clear water via the kitchen faucet. It is convenient to use and the cartridges last longer. However, only the water used for cooking and drinking is filtered by these systems.
Over the counter and faucet mounted water filters are the simplest to install. They do not require any alterations in plumbing or fixing. Some types of countertop filters are just placed on the kitchen counter and the water is poured into the filter chamber manually as you would into a coffee maker. Others connect quickly to the faucet with a bypass valve to redirect water to the filter.
Faucet water filters are attached directly to the faucet in the kitchen sink. They filter the water as it leaves the pipe and require no expertise to install.

Utilizing a UV Cartridge

Apart from the various models available, household water filters also differ on their ability to filter various contaminants. Some filters are fitted with UV cartridges that kill bacteria present in the water whereas others have a sediment filter to keep out rust and other sediment from being mixed into the tap water. There are filters available to remove this odor as well. This can be done by a filter with a granular activation carbon. On the other hand a house relying on well water should have a water filter that will kill bacterial contamination. This type of water source requires an UV cartridge. Sediment filters are ideal if the water is colored with rust particles.
Another major water contaminant is lead. Older homes could have pipes soldered with lead. Many municipal water pipes too still have lead soldering. A safe way of removing any possible lead presence from drinking water is by installing a lead filter to the pipe leading to the kitchen sink.
Know Your Piping System and the Particular Threat that Exists
There are a variety of water filters available for household use. However, all of them have different capabilities and the choice of household water filter depends on the contaminants present in the water to be filtered.

How Do Water Filters Work To Protect Your Health

It's easy to learn how a water purifier works when you are talking about home filtration systems. Most home systems are really quite simple in principle and work very well. The water purifier is becoming standard fare in homes as public water supplies become less and less efficient.

Technology Rules

Water treatment technology is not that complicated, but it is important as quality degrades due to contamination. Some of the process you read about when you are learning how a filter works have been used for quite a while. For example, one of the most common water treatment technologies is to use to carbon filter inside a housing unit that water is run through to trap contaminants.
Other types of water treatment techniques include reverse osmosis and distillation. In the reverse osmosis process two filters are used and water is pressure flowed through solutions. In the distillation water purification process, the water is heated to boiling, and the vapor is collected leaving the contaminants behind.
One of the most technological water purification processes used ultraviolet light. There are two different types of UV light water purification systems which either disinfect water or simply reduce the levels of bacteria. Water softeners are also considered to be water purifiers because they remove minerals in the water to turn hard water into soft.
There is no perfect water purification system which is why so many different ones have been invented. But the most common systems which use the charcoal filters are the ones which are used in the home the most frequently and they do an excellent job of filtering up to 99% of the most harmful contaminants.

More Than One Place

When you begin to read about how a filtration system works, you discover it can be installed in several different ways. Many of the systems are used in-line, meaning they are attached right to the water line. For example, a refrigerator water purifier filter is often in-line.
Some water purifiers are mounted on the faucet or are actually installed as part of the permanent plumbing. Another way water purifiers are installed involves creating separate taps so when you want clean drinking water, you can run just that amount through the filtration system.
When you are deciding which system will work best for your needs, it's important to understand how the best water Purifiers works. The carbon filters are probably the simplest on the market. Most systems using these types of filters require minimal maintenance. The filters come in cartridges you can easily replace every six months.
In the carbon filter systems, water runs through the filter and the filtering material catches and holds the contaminants. Different filters have different ratings and you need to make sure the filter you purchase meets your needs in terms of local contaminants typically found in the water.
Learning how a water filter works may not be difficult, but it is important in order to insure the right filtering system is chosen for your home water needs.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

How To Make The Right Choice for water purifiers

 Here we will investigate some of the more expensive types of best water purifiers. When you get to this level of filtration you are looking at whole house water filtration. We are going to help you by breaking down this discussion into 3 basic filter types.

  • Filter Housings
  • Media Tanks
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems

Filter Housings 

Filter housings are placed inline to your home's main water feed. Typically a plumber or home builder will place a 'loop' in the garage or well-house where you can place one or several filter housings in a series to capture contaminants before water enters your home. The benefit to having these housings installed is that you can place any filter you need in them. There are many considerations when selecting a filter such as water flow and contaminant type. Filter housings are available for your home in 4 basic sizes. 2 1/2″ diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths and 4 1/2″ in diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths. The larger 4 1/2″ housings are typically known as 'big blue'. The larger the housing diameter the higher the flow rate. If you have a larger home with two or more bathrooms, you will need larger filters to keep up with your water usage

Any media filter can be installed in these cartridges. Usage for filter housings are as broad as your water problems. Sediment filters are probably the most popular capturing sand, silt and dirt. Second to sediment filters are GAC or Granular Activated Carbon. GAC filters remove chlorine from city water and smelly organics from well water homes. In general if your water smells or tastes funny a GAC filter will fix a large portion of the problems. After these two filters there are a strong dozen or so other varieties of miscellaneous media filters for your housings. The uses are only limited to the different types of water problems you may encounter

Media Tanks

Media tanks operate on the same basis as the housings above, but on a much larger scale. These are the filters you will typically associate with water softeners. The tank, average build of 9″ diameter 48″ tall, filters water on a continuous basis until either a set time or a set water flow is achieved. Instead of having a filter to change the media tank will back flush to renew itself. This is of great benefit to people who do not wish to maintain the filter housings. The most common type of media tank you may have seen is the water softener. Water softener tanks are filled with resin beads which attract themselves to calcium particles in your pipes and do not let them pass into your home.

This removes the scale build up in your shower heads and appliances. Calcium buildup in your water is also responsible for extreme over usage of soap. The more calcium in your water, "hardness", the more laundry soap, dish soap, shampoo, etc. it takes to do the job. Probably the second most popular media is the carbon tank. This takes the place of the GAC housing. It performs the same task with none of the filter changing hassle. The cost is much higher than the housing filter, but the performance is worth the extra expense. After water softeners and carbon tanks the uses for media tanks are much like the housing filters. There are as many uses for these tanks as there are water problems. If you have the space, this is a very effective way of conquering even the worst water problems in your home.

Reverse Osmosis System

Do you enjoy drinking purified, bottled water? Have you ever made coffee or tea with purified water? I am an avid coffee drinker and I can honestly tell you that drinking coffee made with purified water is an experience only found in the best coffee shops. You may think I've gotten off subject, but actually having purified, reverse osmosis water at every tap in your home is truly an experience. Showering with RO water, cooking with RO water, doing laundry with pure water all make a huge difference in your everyday life. A full house reverse osmosis system is very expensive there are not too many reasons why this type of water filter would be necessary. $6,000 or more is the price tag for this purified experience. The times I have seen these filters in a home have been for medical reasons or extremely bad water conditions in well water.

Whatever water filter you decide to purchase you will be happy. Filtered water is the best beverage for your body, your skin, your organs, I could go on. Make the change today. Purchase a pitcher filter as we discussed in part one. Or maybe an under sink system is more your cup of tea. Lastly as we discussed you could maximize your water experience with a whole house RO system. I have not yet met a person who regretted drinking filtered water. Your body and quite possibly your wallet with thank you.

This is the third and final part of our series on the different types of water filtering ideas for your home. We looked in the first two articles at lower cost options. Here we will investigate some of the more expensive types of filters. When you get to this level of filtration you are looking at whole house water filtration. We are going to help you by breaking down this discussion into 3 basic filter types.
  • Filter Housings
  • Media Tanks
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems
1) Filter Housings - Filter housings are placed inline to your home's main water feed. Typically a plumber or home builder will place a 'loop' in the garage or well-house where you can place one or several filter housings in a series to capture contaminants before water enters your home. The benefit to having these housings installed is that you can place any filter you need in them. There are many considerations when selecting a filter such as water flow and contaminant type. Filter housings are available for your home in 4 basic sizes. 2 1/2″ diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths and 4 1/2″ in diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths. The larger 4 1/2″ housings are typically known as 'big blue'. The larger the housing diameter the higher the flow rate. If you have a larger home with two or more bathrooms, you will need larger filters to keep up with your water usage.
Any media filter can be installed in these cartridges. Usage for filter housings are as broad as your water problems. Sediment filters are probably the most popular capturing sand, silt and dirt. Second to sediment filters are GAC or Granular Activated Carbon. GAC filters remove chlorine from city water and smelly organics from well water homes. In general if your water smells or tastes funny a GAC filter will fix a large portion of the problems. After these two filters there are a strong dozen or so other varieties of miscellaneous media filters for your housings. The uses are only limited to the different types of water problems you may encounter.
2) Media Tanks - Media tanks operate on the same basis as the housings above, but on a much larger scale. These are the filters you will typically associate with water softeners. The tank, average build of 9″ diameter 48″ tall, filters water on a continuous basis until either a set time or a set water flow is achieved. Instead of having a filter to change the media tank will back flush to renew itself. This is of great benefit to people who do not wish to maintain the filter housings. The most common type of media tank you may have seen is the water softener. Water softener tanks are filled with resin beads which attract themselves to calcium particles in your pipes and do not let them pass into your home.
This removes the scale build up in your shower heads and appliances. Calcium buildup in your water is also responsible for extreme over usage of soap. The more calcium in your water, "hardness", the more laundry soap, dish soap, shampoo, etc. it takes to do the job. Probably the second most popular media is the carbon tank. This takes the place of the GAC housing. It performs the same task with none of the filter changing hassle. The cost is much higher than the housing filter, but the performance is worth the extra expense. After water softeners and carbon tanks the uses for media tanks are much like the housing filters. There are as many uses for these tanks as there are water problems. If you have the space, this is a very effective way of conquering even the worst water problems in your home.
3) Reverse Osmosis - Do you enjoy drinking purified, bottled water? Have you ever made coffee or tea with purified water? I am an avid coffee drinker and I can honestly tell you that drinking coffee made with purified water is an experience only found in the best coffee shops. You may think I've gotten off subject, but actually having purified, reverse osmosis water at every tap in your home is truly an experience. Showering with RO water, cooking with RO water, doing laundry with pure water all make a huge difference in your everyday life. A full house reverse osmosis system is very expensive there are not too many reasons why this type of water filter would be necessary. $6,000 or more is the price tag for this purified experience. The times I have seen these filters in a home have been for medical reasons or extremely bad water conditions in well water.
Whatever water filter you decide to purchase you will be happy. Filtered water is the best beverage for your body, your skin, your organs, I could go on. Make the change today. Purchase a pitcher filter as we discussed in part one. Or maybe an under sink system is more your cup of tea. Lastly as we discussed you could maximize your water experience with a whole house RO system. I have not yet met a person who regretted drinking filtered water. Your body and quite possibly your wallet with thank you.

Article Source:
This is the third and final part of our series on the different types of water filtering ideas for your home. We looked in the first two articles at lower cost options. Here we will investigate some of the more expensive types of filters. When you get to this level of filtration you are looking at whole house water filtration. We are going to help you by breaking down this discussion into 3 basic filter types.
  • Filter Housings
  • Media Tanks
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems
1) Filter Housings - Filter housings are placed inline to your home's main water feed. Typically a plumber or home builder will place a 'loop' in the garage or well-house where you can place one or several filter housings in a series to capture contaminants before water enters your home. The benefit to having these housings installed is that you can place any filter you need in them. There are many considerations when selecting a filter such as water flow and contaminant type. Filter housings are available for your home in 4 basic sizes. 2 1/2″ diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths and 4 1/2″ in diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths. The larger 4 1/2″ housings are typically known as 'big blue'. The larger the housing diameter the higher the flow rate. If you have a larger home with two or more bathrooms, you will need larger filters to keep up with your water usage.
Any media filter can be installed in these cartridges. Usage for filter housings are as broad as your water problems. Sediment filters are probably the most popular capturing sand, silt and dirt. Second to sediment filters are GAC or Granular Activated Carbon. GAC filters remove chlorine from city water and smelly organics from well water homes. In general if your water smells or tastes funny a GAC filter will fix a large portion of the problems. After these two filters there are a strong dozen or so other varieties of miscellaneous media filters for your housings. The uses are only limited to the different types of water problems you may encounter.
2) Media Tanks - Media tanks operate on the same basis as the housings above, but on a much larger scale. These are the filters you will typically associate with water softeners. The tank, average build of 9″ diameter 48″ tall, filters water on a continuous basis until either a set time or a set water flow is achieved. Instead of having a filter to change the media tank will back flush to renew itself. This is of great benefit to people who do not wish to maintain the filter housings. The most common type of media tank you may have seen is the water softener. Water softener tanks are filled with resin beads which attract themselves to calcium particles in your pipes and do not let them pass into your home.
This removes the scale build up in your shower heads and appliances. Calcium buildup in your water is also responsible for extreme over usage of soap. The more calcium in your water, "hardness", the more laundry soap, dish soap, shampoo, etc. it takes to do the job. Probably the second most popular media is the carbon tank. This takes the place of the GAC housing. It performs the same task with none of the filter changing hassle. The cost is much higher than the housing filter, but the performance is worth the extra expense. After water softeners and carbon tanks the uses for media tanks are much like the housing filters. There are as many uses for these tanks as there are water problems. If you have the space, this is a very effective way of conquering even the worst water problems in your home.
3) Reverse Osmosis - Do you enjoy drinking purified, bottled water? Have you ever made coffee or tea with purified water? I am an avid coffee drinker and I can honestly tell you that drinking coffee made with purified water is an experience only found in the best coffee shops. You may think I've gotten off subject, but actually having purified, reverse osmosis water at every tap in your home is truly an experience. Showering with RO water, cooking with RO water, doing laundry with pure water all make a huge difference in your everyday life. A full house reverse osmosis system is very expensive there are not too many reasons why this type of water filter would be necessary. $6,000 or more is the price tag for this purified experience. The times I have seen these filters in a home have been for medical reasons or extremely bad water conditions in well water.
Whatever water filter you decide to purchase you will be happy. Filtered water is the best beverage for your body, your skin, your organs, I could go on. Make the change today. Purchase a pitcher filter as we discussed in part one. Or maybe an under sink system is more your cup of tea. Lastly as we discussed you could maximize your water experience with a whole house RO system. I have not yet met a person who regretted drinking filtered water. Your body and quite possibly your wallet with thank you.

Article Source:
This is the third and final part of our series on the different types of water filtering ideas for your home. We looked in the first two articles at lower cost options. Here we will investigate some of the more expensive types of filters. When you get to this level of filtration you are looking at whole house water filtration. We are going to help you by breaking down this discussion into 3 basic filter types.
  • Filter Housings
  • Media Tanks
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems
1) Filter Housings - Filter housings are placed inline to your home's main water feed. Typically a plumber or home builder will place a 'loop' in the garage or well-house where you can place one or several filter housings in a series to capture contaminants before water enters your home. The benefit to having these housings installed is that you can place any filter you need in them. There are many considerations when selecting a filter such as water flow and contaminant type. Filter housings are available for your home in 4 basic sizes. 2 1/2″ diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths and 4 1/2″ in diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths. The larger 4 1/2″ housings are typically known as 'big blue'. The larger the housing diameter the higher the flow rate. If you have a larger home with two or more bathrooms, you will need larger filters to keep up with your water usage.
Any media filter can be installed in these cartridges. Usage for filter housings are as broad as your water problems. Sediment filters are probably the most popular capturing sand, silt and dirt. Second to sediment filters are GAC or Granular Activated Carbon. GAC filters remove chlorine from city water and smelly organics from well water homes. In general if your water smells or tastes funny a GAC filter will fix a large portion of the problems. After these two filters there are a strong dozen or so other varieties of miscellaneous media filters for your housings. The uses are only limited to the different types of water problems you may encounter.
2) Media Tanks - Media tanks operate on the same basis as the housings above, but on a much larger scale. These are the filters you will typically associate with water softeners. The tank, average build of 9″ diameter 48″ tall, filters water on a continuous basis until either a set time or a set water flow is achieved. Instead of having a filter to change the media tank will back flush to renew itself. This is of great benefit to people who do not wish to maintain the filter housings. The most common type of media tank you may have seen is the water softener. Water softener tanks are filled with resin beads which attract themselves to calcium particles in your pipes and do not let them pass into your home.
This removes the scale build up in your shower heads and appliances. Calcium buildup in your water is also responsible for extreme over usage of soap. The more calcium in your water, "hardness", the more laundry soap, dish soap, shampoo, etc. it takes to do the job. Probably the second most popular media is the carbon tank. This takes the place of the GAC housing. It performs the same task with none of the filter changing hassle. The cost is much higher than the housing filter, but the performance is worth the extra expense. After water softeners and carbon tanks the uses for media tanks are much like the housing filters. There are as many uses for these tanks as there are water problems. If you have the space, this is a very effective way of conquering even the worst water problems in your home.
3) Reverse Osmosis - Do you enjoy drinking purified, bottled water? Have you ever made coffee or tea with purified water? I am an avid coffee drinker and I can honestly tell you that drinking coffee made with purified water is an experience only found in the best coffee shops. You may think I've gotten off subject, but actually having purified, reverse osmosis water at every tap in your home is truly an experience. Showering with RO water, cooking with RO water, doing laundry with pure water all make a huge difference in your everyday life. A full house reverse osmosis system is very expensive there are not too many reasons why this type of water filter would be necessary. $6,000 or more is the price tag for this purified experience. The times I have seen these filters in a home have been for medical reasons or extremely bad water conditions in well water.
Whatever water filter you decide to purchase you will be happy. Filtered water is the best beverage for your body, your skin, your organs, I could go on. Make the change today. Purchase a pitcher filter as we discussed in part one. Or maybe an under sink system is more your cup of tea. Lastly as we discussed you could maximize your water experience with a whole house RO system. I have not yet met a person who regretted drinking filtered water. Your body and quite possibly your wallet with thank you.

Article Source:
This is the third and final part of our series on the different types of water filtering ideas for your home. We looked in the first two articles at lower cost options. Here we will investigate some of the more expensive types of filters. When you get to this level of filtration you are looking at whole house water filtration. We are going to help you by breaking down this discussion into 3 basic filter types.
  • Filter Housings
  • Media Tanks
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems
1) Filter Housings - Filter housings are placed inline to your home's main water feed. Typically a plumber or home builder will place a 'loop' in the garage or well-house where you can place one or several filter housings in a series to capture contaminants before water enters your home. The benefit to having these housings installed is that you can place any filter you need in them. There are many considerations when selecting a filter such as water flow and contaminant type. Filter housings are available for your home in 4 basic sizes. 2 1/2″ diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths and 4 1/2″ in diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths. The larger 4 1/2″ housings are typically known as 'big blue'. The larger the housing diameter the higher the flow rate. If you have a larger home with two or more bathrooms, you will need larger filters to keep up with your water usage.
Any media filter can be installed in these cartridges. Usage for filter housings are as broad as your water problems. Sediment filters are probably the most popular capturing sand, silt and dirt. Second to sediment filters are GAC or Granular Activated Carbon. GAC filters remove chlorine from city water and smelly organics from well water homes. In general if your water smells or tastes funny a GAC filter will fix a large portion of the problems. After these two filters there are a strong dozen or so other varieties of miscellaneous media filters for your housings. The uses are only limited to the different types of water problems you may encounter.
2) Media Tanks - Media tanks operate on the same basis as the housings above, but on a much larger scale. These are the filters you will typically associate with water softeners. The tank, average build of 9″ diameter 48″ tall, filters water on a continuous basis until either a set time or a set water flow is achieved. Instead of having a filter to change the media tank will back flush to renew itself. This is of great benefit to people who do not wish to maintain the filter housings. The most common type of media tank you may have seen is the water softener. Water softener tanks are filled with resin beads which attract themselves to calcium particles in your pipes and do not let them pass into your home.
This removes the scale build up in your shower heads and appliances. Calcium buildup in your water is also responsible for extreme over usage of soap. The more calcium in your water, "hardness", the more laundry soap, dish soap, shampoo, etc. it takes to do the job. Probably the second most popular media is the carbon tank. This takes the place of the GAC housing. It performs the same task with none of the filter changing hassle. The cost is much higher than the housing filter, but the performance is worth the extra expense. After water softeners and carbon tanks the uses for media tanks are much like the housing filters. There are as many uses for these tanks as there are water problems. If you have the space, this is a very effective way of conquering even the worst water problems in your home.
3) Reverse Osmosis - Do you enjoy drinking purified, bottled water? Have you ever made coffee or tea with purified water? I am an avid coffee drinker and I can honestly tell you that drinking coffee made with purified water is an experience only found in the best coffee shops. You may think I've gotten off subject, but actually having purified, reverse osmosis water at every tap in your home is truly an experience. Showering with RO water, cooking with RO water, doing laundry with pure water all make a huge difference in your everyday life. A full house reverse osmosis system is very expensive there are not too many reasons why this type of water filter would be necessary. $6,000 or more is the price tag for this purified experience. The times I have seen these filters in a home have been for medical reasons or extremely bad water conditions in well water.
Whatever water filter you decide to purchase you will be happy. Filtered water is the best beverage for your body, your skin, your organs, I could go on. Make the change today. Purchase a pitcher filter as we discussed in part one. Or maybe an under sink system is more your cup of tea. Lastly as we discussed you could maximize your water experience with a whole house RO system. I have not yet met a person who regretted drinking filtered water. Your body and quite possibly your wallet with thank you.

Article Source:
This is the third and final part of our series on the different types of water filtering ideas for your home. We looked in the first two articles at lower cost options. Here we will investigate some of the more expensive types of filters. When you get to this level of filtration you are looking at whole house water filtration. We are going to help you by breaking down this discussion into 3 basic filter types.
  • Filter Housings
  • Media Tanks
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems
1) Filter Housings - Filter housings are placed inline to your home's main water feed. Typically a plumber or home builder will place a 'loop' in the garage or well-house where you can place one or several filter housings in a series to capture contaminants before water enters your home. The benefit to having these housings installed is that you can place any filter you need in them. There are many considerations when selecting a filter such as water flow and contaminant type. Filter housings are available for your home in 4 basic sizes. 2 1/2″ diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths and 4 1/2″ in diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths. The larger 4 1/2″ housings are typically known as 'big blue'. The larger the housing diameter the higher the flow rate. If you have a larger home with two or more bathrooms, you will need larger filters to keep up with your water usage.
Any media filter can be installed in these cartridges. Usage for filter housings are as broad as your water problems. Sediment filters are probably the most popular capturing sand, silt and dirt. Second to sediment filters are GAC or Granular Activated Carbon. GAC filters remove chlorine from city water and smelly organics from well water homes. In general if your water smells or tastes funny a GAC filter will fix a large portion of the problems. After these two filters there are a strong dozen or so other varieties of miscellaneous media filters for your housings. The uses are only limited to the different types of water problems you may encounter.
2) Media Tanks - Media tanks operate on the same basis as the housings above, but on a much larger scale. These are the filters you will typically associate with water softeners. The tank, average build of 9″ diameter 48″ tall, filters water on a continuous basis until either a set time or a set water flow is achieved. Instead of having a filter to change the media tank will back flush to renew itself. This is of great benefit to people who do not wish to maintain the filter housings. The most common type of media tank you may have seen is the water softener. Water softener tanks are filled with resin beads which attract themselves to calcium particles in your pipes and do not let them pass into your home.
This removes the scale build up in your shower heads and appliances. Calcium buildup in your water is also responsible for extreme over usage of soap. The more calcium in your water, "hardness", the more laundry soap, dish soap, shampoo, etc. it takes to do the job. Probably the second most popular media is the carbon tank. This takes the place of the GAC housing. It performs the same task with none of the filter changing hassle. The cost is much higher than the housing filter, but the performance is worth the extra expense. After water softeners and carbon tanks the uses for media tanks are much like the housing filters. There are as many uses for these tanks as there are water problems. If you have the space, this is a very effective way of conquering even the worst water problems in your home.
3) Reverse Osmosis - Do you enjoy drinking purified, bottled water? Have you ever made coffee or tea with purified water? I am an avid coffee drinker and I can honestly tell you that drinking coffee made with purified water is an experience only found in the best coffee shops. You may think I've gotten off subject, but actually having purified, reverse osmosis water at every tap in your home is truly an experience. Showering with RO water, cooking with RO water, doing laundry with pure water all make a huge difference in your everyday life. A full house reverse osmosis system is very expensive there are not too many reasons why this type of water filter would be necessary. $6,000 or more is the price tag for this purified experience. The times I have seen these filters in a home have been for medical reasons or extremely bad water conditions in well water.
Whatever water filter you decide to purchase you will be happy. Filtered water is the best beverage for your body, your skin, your organs, I could go on. Make the change today. Purchase a pitcher filter as we discussed in part one. Or maybe an under sink system is more your cup of tea. Lastly as we discussed you could maximize your water experience with a whole house RO system. I have not yet met a person who regretted drinking filtered water. Your body and quite possibly your wallet with thank you.

Article Source:
This is the third and final part of our series on the different types of water filtering ideas for your home. We looked in the first two articles at lower cost options. Here we will investigate some of the more expensive types of filters. When you get to this level of filtration you are looking at whole house water filtration. We are going to help you by breaking down this discussion into 3 basic filter types.
  • Filter Housings
  • Media Tanks
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems
1) Filter Housings - Filter housings are placed inline to your home's main water feed. Typically a plumber or home builder will place a 'loop' in the garage or well-house where you can place one or several filter housings in a series to capture contaminants before water enters your home. The benefit to having these housings installed is that you can place any filter you need in them. There are many considerations when selecting a filter such as water flow and contaminant type. Filter housings are available for your home in 4 basic sizes. 2 1/2″ diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths and 4 1/2″ in diameter in 10″ and 20″ lengths. The larger 4 1/2″ housings are typically known as 'big blue'. The larger the housing diameter the higher the flow rate. If you have a larger home with two or more bathrooms, you will need larger filters to keep up with your water usage.
Any media filter can be installed in these cartridges. Usage for filter housings are as broad as your water problems. Sediment filters are probably the most popular capturing sand, silt and dirt. Second to sediment filters are GAC or Granular Activated Carbon. GAC filters remove chlorine from city water and smelly organics from well water homes. In general if your water smells or tastes funny a GAC filter will fix a large portion of the problems. After these two filters there are a strong dozen or so other varieties of miscellaneous media filters for your housings. The uses are only limited to the different types of water problems you may encounter.
2) Media Tanks - Media tanks operate on the same basis as the housings above, but on a much larger scale. These are the filters you will typically associate with water softeners. The tank, average build of 9″ diameter 48″ tall, filters water on a continuous basis until either a set time or a set water flow is achieved. Instead of having a filter to change the media tank will back flush to renew itself. This is of great benefit to people who do not wish to maintain the filter housings. The most common type of media tank you may have seen is the water softener. Water softener tanks are filled with resin beads which attract themselves to calcium particles in your pipes and do not let them pass into your home.
This removes the scale build up in your shower heads and appliances. Calcium buildup in your water is also responsible for extreme over usage of soap. The more calcium in your water, "hardness", the more laundry soap, dish soap, shampoo, etc. it takes to do the job. Probably the second most popular media is the carbon tank. This takes the place of the GAC housing. It performs the same task with none of the filter changing hassle. The cost is much higher than the housing filter, but the performance is worth the extra expense. After water softeners and carbon tanks the uses for media tanks are much like the housing filters. There are as many uses for these tanks as there are water problems. If you have the space, this is a very effective way of conquering even the worst water problems in your home.
3) Reverse Osmosis - Do you enjoy drinking purified, bottled water? Have you ever made coffee or tea with purified water? I am an avid coffee drinker and I can honestly tell you that drinking coffee made with purified water is an experience only found in the best coffee shops. You may think I've gotten off subject, but actually having purified, reverse osmosis water at every tap in your home is truly an experience. Showering with RO water, cooking with RO water, doing laundry with pure water all make a huge difference in your everyday life. A full house reverse osmosis system is very expensive there are not too many reasons why this type of water filter would be necessary. $6,000 or more is the price tag for this purified experience. The times I have seen these filters in a home have been for medical reasons or extremely bad water conditions in well water.
Whatever water filter you decide to purchase you will be happy. Filtered water is the best beverage for your body, your skin, your organs, I could go on. Make the change today. Purchase a pitcher filter as we discussed in part one. Or maybe an under sink system is more your cup of tea. Lastly as we discussed you could maximize your water experience with a whole house RO system. I have not yet met a person who regretted drinking filtered water. Your body and quite possibly your wallet with thank you.

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